“ACS Peer Advising is committed to the overarching mission of OMA&D. We strive to promote access, equity, and inclusion by supporting first generation, ethnically diverse, low-income students. As OMA&D students from similar backgrounds, our advice bridges gaps and creates pathways that will help other OMA&D students achieve all their goals at the University of Washington. Through our shared experiences as UW undergraduates we offer holistic peer advising that is accessible, accurate, and empathetic.”
ACS Peers
Drop-In & Scheduled Appointments
One-on-one drop-in advising appointments are available via Zoom:Click Here
Summer Drop-In Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 1:00pm-4:00pm in person or on zoom
Wednesday: 10:00am-4:00pm in person or on zoom
Friday: between 10:00am – 4:00pm on zoom only.
*please note: our office doors will be open from 8:30am-4:00pm over the Summer.
Scheduled Appointments
Monday through Friday between 8 AM – 5 PM on zoom, phone or in MGH 141
To schedule an advising appointment or to speak to an OMA&D adviser, please book online or call 206.543.7132 for more information.
Novel Coronavirus & Covid-19 Info
For updated student information regarding the Novel Coronavirus & Covid-19 please CLICK HERE.
Emergency Aid
If you are in need of assistance, please submit an Emergency Aid request form to get connected with resources and support.