OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

April 24, 2024

INVITE: Remembrance Garden Altar at Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC) 4/30th – 5/2nd

We invite UW Students, Staff, Faculty and Community,

Join us to honor and remember the lives of loved ones we have lost and in support of those who are struggling. 

  • We are creating a BEAUTIFUL Succulent Remembrance Garden Altar with luminaries, loving photos & mementos
  • Space to remember, grieve and celebrate loved ones and to come together as a caring community.

“Remembrance Garden Altar and Community Healing”

Contribute to the Remembrance Garden Altar at the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC)

Tuesday, April 30th  (9AM – 9PM) THRU Thursday, May 2nd (9AM-3PM) at Kelly ECC

  • Bring  photos, mementos, write a note to add to the Remembrance Garden Altar at the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC) – 3931 Brooklyn Ave NE
  • We invite you to submit names of loved ones to be read at the closing ceremony on Thurs. May 2nd – Refer to QR Code on flyer.

Closing Ceremony & Community Healing Program

     Thurs. May 2nd (3pm – 4:30pm) – Short Program and Light Drinks & Snacks

  • Calling of Names, Words of Appreciation
  • Give Away of Garden Altar Succulents to attendees as a keepsake and loving remembrance

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Ando ( or Natacha Foo Kune (

Please share with others who may be interested. Thank you!

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