OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

EOP Scholars Academy Team

Luz M Iñiguez

EOP Director

Meet Luz

Profile coming soon!

Contact me

Joseph Fuller

EOP Scholars Academy Instructor and Coordinator

Meet Joey

I am adopted.

I am a person who was not raised by their biological parents.

I am biracial.

I am someone who has struggled with my own identity.

I am the first person in my family to graduate from college.

I am a person who has had to make sacrifices to get where I am today.

I am someone who has failed repeatedly.

I am resilient.

I am a continuous learner.

I am an advocate.

I support communities and individuals who have been marginalized by society.

I believe in fair treatment for everyone, regardless of their background.

I am Joey Fuller.

I am EOP

Contact me

Faduma Abdi

EOP Scholars Academy Student Leader

Meet Faduma

Contact me

Manuel Alefe

EOP Scholars Academy Student Leader

Meet Manuel

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Esly Diaz

EOP Scholars Academy Student Leader

Meet Esly

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Kristen Do

EOP Scholars Academy Student Leader

Meet Kristen

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Skye Steenberg

EOP Scholars Academy Student Leader

Meet Skye

Contact me


Future you as an engaged student!

You are a leader!

You are a leader!

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