OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

April 9, 2024

Financial Literacy Workshop: Living on Your Own

DATE: Thursday, 4/18

TIME: 1:30 – 3:30 PM



We’ve entered TRiO Financial Literacy Month! Follow our weekly series throughout the month on Instagram. We will be sharing basic information on budgeting, credit, and savings. Stay tuned to see if you have the basics to be financially literate.

We will have an in-person workshop in MGH 171 on Thursday, 4/18 about Living On Your Own. Living on your own is one of the first steps in adulting! But what do you do when the smoke alarm goes off? Or if the toilet overflows? How often are you supposed to wash your bed sheets? And what are some easy ways you can save money day to day? Are you looking for an apartment, duplex, or housing outside of campus? What does the application process look like? How much will it cost? Do you know your tenant right? If you want a crash course on how to successfully live on your own, check out this workshop!