OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

November 15, 2023

Looking for student representatives for Campus Sustainability Fund’s (CSF) committee! (paid opportunity)

The Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) is seeking two students to serve as their representatives on the Campus Sustainability Fund’s (CSF) committee. The term will be up to two years, pending the candidate remains eligible, is an active representative, and wants to continue. Term starts late October 2023 and continues through the academic year. Reassessment on continuation for the 2024-2025 year will occur in Spring 2024. All students enrolled for credit (part or full-time) at the University of Washington-Seattle are eligible. 

The mission of the CSF is to foster an environmentally and socially engaged university culture and create a sustainable campus by funding multidisciplinary student initiated and led projects. Guided by student oversight through each phase of the grant-making and project management process, our work increases campus-wide social equity, resilience, and climate justice. The CSF committee is responsible for providing direction for all aspects of the fund; including project approval, strategic visioning, budget oversight, etc. It presents an excellent opportunity to learning about the back end of the grant making process, reviewing student applications for sustainability-related projects, deliberating with fellow members, and determining funding allocations. As well as staying up to date on campus events and activities + larger opportunities in the CSF network. 

At the University of Washington, diversity is integral to excellence. The CSF values and champions diversity in the complete meaning — in background, experience, perspectives, educational training, professional experiences, and identity. Diversity sits at the core of their ability to set a justice-oriented agenda and practice intersectional environmentalism and sustainability. The CSF strives to create welcoming and respectful learning environments, promote access to opportunities, and foster growth for all members. The CSF encourages individuals of all backgrounds and academic disciplines to apply.

All positions are on a stipend. Once the membership is set, members will vote to elect their vice-chair (all new members are eligible to run). 
– The Vice Chair | 30 hours per quarter | quarterly stipend of $980 for a gross total of $3,920 (4 quarters). 
– Members | 20 hours per quarter | quarterly stipend of $440 per quarter for a gross total of $1320 per year (3 quarters with possibility to extend in summer for the Summer interim committee). 

Please read more on the CSF website:

Apply here: