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Case #1 -
A 21 year old with acute RLQ pain

1.) What is the differential diagnosis of RLQ pain?  Answer 
2.) What additional history should we obtain to narrow the differential diagnosis?  Answer 
3.) What are expected physical findings in acute appendicitis?  Answer 
4.) Is this typical history and physical there most of the time?  Answer 
5.) What tests are needed in this patient?  Answer 
6.) What is the etiology of acute appendicitis and the progression of the pathology?  Answer 
7.) What is the operative treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis?  Answer 
8.) What are the complications of acute appendicitis if not treated promptly? How does perforation affect the mortality and morbidity?  Answer 
9.) What is the significance of a mass in the RLQ on exam? What should you do?   Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > SMALL INTESTINE AND APPENDIX - Case # 1