Dana Jensen, Research Technician I

Dana is a recent graduate of Western Washington University with a BS in behavioral neuroscience. At Western, she began her interest in science from a psychology perspective but soon became fascinated by the molecular explanations for behavior. She spent her summers interning with Seattle children’s research institute studying genetic overgrowth disorders. Now she explores the genetic frontier full time, searching for mosaic variants that could contribute to developmental disorders.
Hobbies: Painting, climbing, embroidery and a compulsion to create excel spreadsheets to track any kind of data that day to day life generates.
Fun fact: She wanted to major in art history until she realized that would essentially be a life-long essay assignment.
Meranda Pham, Research Technician I

Bio coming soon…
Natalie Au, Research Technician I

Natalie Au (she/her) joined the Bennett Lab as a student researcher in January 2021. Since then, she received her B.S. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the University of Washington in 2023. She is working on using in-situ genotyping and single-cell sequencing to develop an understanding of the spatial context of mosaic mutations in lymphatic malformation tissue.
Nancy Parmalee, Research Scientist III

Nancy Parmalee earned her Ph.D. from Columbia University in Genetics and Development. She has worked on a wide range of phenotypes as a human geneticist and computational biologist. She joined the Bennett Lab in 2021 and is currently working on genetic mosaicism in structural birth defects and vascular malformations, and long read sequencing for the detection of genetic variation not revealed by short read next generation sequencing.
Jeffrey Ou, Scientific Project Manager I

Bio coming soon…