Welcome to the Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Developing innovative therapies that help the body repair itself.
Our goal is to heal damage caused by childhood developmental abnormalities and acquired illnesses by studying the body’s response to injury. The CDBRM scientific enterprise is diverse, primarily focusing on basic science studies in model systems including mice, zebrafish, and cell culture; as well as investigating genetic causation of human disease, primarily by DNA and RNA sequencing analysis. The research in CDBRM is generally technology-intensive. We have considerable expertise in imaging, including confocal, live animal, and uCT. We also make extensive use of genomic, epigenomic and computational analysis. Given our technology focus, we have been early adopters of novel genomic methods, which has translated into active participation in the Brotman Baty Institute, a precision medicine initiative pursued jointly by the University of Washington School of Medicine, the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center, and Seattle Children’s Hospital.
The CDBRM is committed to Anti-Racist and Anti-Discrimination efforts in our workplace and research. These efforts include ensuring that all individuals are respected, heard, engaged, and valued. We recognize the importance of cultivating a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion, as it is essential to our mission of scientific discovery and education.
Check out our Research Labs.