UW Medicine is one of the nation’s foremost biomedical research institutions. For nearly 60 years, UW Medicine scientists have contributed to advancing scientific knowledge and saving lives. Ahead lie promising discoveries that will improve the health of present and future generations.

Youngsters Can Learn to Lessen Asthma Attacks

Genes Found for Neuromuscular Disorder
Researchers Seek Better Male Contraceptives
C-Section Deliveries Decrease Herpes Transmission
Team Approach Doubles Effectiveness of Treating Depression in Older Adults
Hearing Loss in Elderly Often Goes Untreated
Guiding the Future of Genomics
Facilities Under Construction for Genome Sciences and Bioengineering
Vaccine May Prevent Cervical Cancer Caused by HPV-16
Abnormal Insulin Metabolism Linked to Alzheimer's Disease
Immunological Research Spells Hope for Lupus Treatment
Lasers Assist in Vision Treatment
False-positive Mammograms Associated with Radiologist Inexperience
Muscular Dystrophy Research Moves Towards Gene Therapy
Pew Scholars Seek Causes of Cancer
Prostate Cancer: The Mystery of Metastasis
Eye's Photon Receptors Arranged in Neat Double Rows
Gastroenterologist Witnesses a Half-century of Changes in His Field
Sniffing Around Neural Pathways: Scientists Unearth Mechanisms of Smell
Milestones in Mass Spectrometry
Tuberculosis Infection Pictured in Zebrafish Embryo
Urokinase is Not Benign in Blood Vessels
UW Scientists Streamline Detection of West Nile Virus
Center for Functional Genomics Explores Hepatitis C Virus
Organizing and Sharing Biological Data
Problems in Life Sciences Broken Down with Grid Computing
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