Advancement Board Chair Report

By Flo McAlary

Behind the scenes at Friday Harbor Laboratories there’s a devoted group of more than 30 individuals who serve at the pleasure of the Director, as the FHL Advancement Board (AB). Members of this board come from diverse backgrounds including academia, business, the arts, and interested citizens. Their commonality: they share a love and appreciation for FHL!

The mission: “The Advancement Board for Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL) promotes excellence in marine science education and research. The Board strives to achieve this goal by obtaining support for FHL that helps strengthen its work, identity, recognition and distinctive international character as part of the University of Washington College of the Environment.“

Established in 1997 by then-Director Dennis Willows, the AB is celebrating twenty years of enthusiastic efforts to fulfill its mission. Our challenges have been two-fold:
1. Financial aid for students to make the match between a world-class experience and the exceptional mind
2. Growing a strong and enduring community of support for the future development of FHL

Through the leadership and generosity of its members, the AB — together with UW — has supported many substantive accomplishments including the establishment of scholarships and funds to benefit students, support for the expansion of FHL's K-12 science outreach, maintaining essential core marine science courses, fostering an innovative science apprenticeship program for undergraduates, development of an exchange program with marine laboratories in Japan, securing needed facilities and specialized equipment for laboratory and oceanographic research, creation of a major interdisciplinary study center and arts studio, and honoring those who have contributed to marine science over a lifetime. I’ve been privileged to be part of the AB for nineteen of these twenty years, and proud of its concerted dedication to all things FHL. I am also grateful to the many generous donors whose contributions both large and small have always helped to make our campaigns a success.

Looking forward, the AB will continue to pursue its mission with vigor and excitement. We invite you to join us as we reach out to support FHL TOGETHER into the future.

Best Fishes,
Flo McAlary-McFarland
Advancement Board Chair


Current: William Calvin, Cathryn Cambell, Mark Denny, Katherine Graubard, Chuck Greene, Florence Harrison, Drew Harvell, Carolyn Haugen, Michael Honey, Mimi Koehl, Alvin Kwiram, Gretchen Lambert, Jeffrey Levinton, Laura Long, Robbie MacFarlane, Florence McAlary, Chita Miller, Trish Morse, Warren Nagano, Lesley Nilsson, Joann Otto, Don Peek, Charles Richardson, Véronique Robigou, Gordon Robilliard, Kevin Schofield, Alex Shapiro, Megumi Strathmann, Richard Strathmann, Susan Swindells, Rick Vosburgh, George Willoughby, Dennis Willows.

Emeritus and Past members: Ralph Anderson, John Blinks, Kevin Britton-Simmons, John Brookbank, Bob Buck, Barbara Cable, Tom Cable, Fu-Shiang Chia, Tom Glaze, Lee Hood, Eric Horvitz, Keith Jefferts, Scott Jones, Paul LeBaron, Valerie Logan, Bob Lundeen, Jan Macfarlane, Scott McAdams, William McFarland, Susan Meister, Alan Pierrot, Don Pollard, Frank Prendergast, David Ralston, Roger Salquist, Andrew Smith, Carla Stroh, George Thorson, Sidney Thorson, Camille Uhlir, George Von Gehr, Barbara Von Gehr, Steve Wainwright, Sefton Wellings, Henry Wendt, David Wethey, Arthur Whiteley, Sally Woodin.