From the Director's Office

By Professor Billie J. Swalla, Director of FHL

Planning for the Future
Greetings from the Director’s Office! FHL's Summer A session is kicking off and we are pleased to welcome students and researchers from all over the world. We'll spend the long days of summer enjoying life on this beautiful campus and San Juan Island. The new FHL Administrator, Jeff Bronstein, and I are busy planning for a bright and sustainable future for the Labs.

TOGETHER Campaign!
Our FHL TOGETHER campaign priorities are similar to UW’s: to raise money for Student Support for our experiential courses, and Faculty Support to teach those courses and continue world-class research on the FHL campus. We are firming up plans for a new Education Center at FHL that include a Lecture Hall, small classrooms and Welcome Center. We can do these ambitious projects TOGETHER.

Research — The CT Scanner has been busy all year long, with many visitors coming with their specimens, helping to fulfill Adam Summers' dream to “Scan all Fishes.” The FHL Ocean Observatory (FHLOO) equipment will deploy this summer or fall: oceanographic and biological sensors located in "shallow" (under the dock) and "deep" (~25m depth) nodes, resulting in publicly accessible data. We welcome Jim Truman and Lynn Riddiford back from Janelia Farms, working in Lab 10 on insect and crustacean development and metamorphosis. Jim’s state-of-the-art confocal microscope is installed in the basement of Lab 10 and Rebecca Johnston is working full-time with them to understand the working of the brain and evolution of central nervous systems.

Science Communication — With the College of the Environment, we’ve launched a new website for FHL and hope that you like our new updated look!

Teaching — We continue to offer UW Marine Biology courses and FHL Apprenticeships. Northeastern University's Three Seas Program is bringing students to FHL each fall and spring for the coming years. The CORALS apprenticeship, powered by Drew Harvell and Chuck Greene from Cornell, is also here the next few springs. We're offering world-class summer courses and instructors — check out this year's lineup here.

FHL Staff: Good-byes and Hellos

Mark Tetrick (1967-1917) FHL Administrator Mark Tetrick passed away unexpectedly on February 8, 2017. We came together with Mark’s family, his wife Crystal and daughters Mackenzie and Delaney, in March to honor Mark’s memory. It was fitting that the memorial was held in the FHL Commons, which was upgraded by Mark working with the FHL Maintenance Team and the FHL Custodial Team.

Lorraine Littlewood (retired April 1) Lorraine worked as a Fiscal Specialist at FHL for many years, and retired in April. We wish her the best and hope that she is enjoying her newfound freedom.

Jeff Bronstein (began May 1) Our new FHL Administrator Jeff Bronstein comes with an extensive background in Administration, most recently from UW Emergency Medicine. Jeff is so much fun to have working here, with great Administrative skills but also a warm heart and a wicked sense of humor. Welcome, Jeff!

Doreen Cale (retired June 1) Doreen worked in the FHL Dining Hall for 17 years and retired in June. As we gathered to share the tasty and beautiful cake made by Lee Ann Walch, Doreen talked of her plans to garden and take life a little slower.

We are very thankful for our fantastic FHL Community!