FHLSOP Staff through the Years

By Jenny Roberts

Friday Harbor Labs Science Outreach Program (FHLSOP) is in its 16th year of bringing hands-on, inquiry-based science into the classroom, out in the field and aboard the Research Vessel Centennial to our local K-12 students of San Juan School Island District (SJISD) and Spring Street International School (SSIS). Our program allows students to be scientists in every grade and has become an integral part of the local schools curriculum! These experiences are invaluable for developing students’ interest, passion, concern and understanding of their surrounding natural environment.

Michelle working with a 1st grader during the Eye Spy activity.

As the Program Director of FHLSOP for its 16 years, I would like to acknowledge the tremendous help of my 4 excellent Assistant Coordinators/Educators during this period.

Michelle Herko joined FHLSOP about a year ago, but she has worked at the Labs for over 25 years in a wide variety of capacities that make her especially well-suited for this position. She is a great asset because of her strong research background and experience as a teaching assistant for several University lab courses. Her research experience is mainly in biotechnology and the ocean acidification laboratory — both very pertinent areas of science to share with local students.

Kari working with 6th graders at Expert Day.

Kari Koski worked for FHLSOP for 3.5 years from 2012-2015 and still helps out as an educator when needed. She has an extensive knowledge of the local flora and fauna which is very beneficial for our field experiences and hand-on labs. Her passions include whales, kelps and algae. She did a wonderful job developing 3 projects for the FHLSOP: 8th grade “Know the Kelps and Algae”, 7th grade “Whale Adventure Days” and Kindergarten “Sea Stars, Scallops & Me!" Her enthusiasm for these subjects was very inspiring to the students.

Margo (orange) and Michelle (yellow) working with 4th graders on a beach seine catch at Jackson Beach.

Margo Thorp worked for FHLSOP for 3 years from 2008-2011 and still volunteers when she can with our 4th grade beach seine project. She is an amazing organizer and did a fantastic job documenting FHLSOP project procedures. She also developed two classes for the SJISD’s alternative school Griffin Bay, on oceanography and watersheds. Both courses were inquiry-based and did an excellent job engaging these students in relevant, meaningful studies in their local environment.

Alana teaching water dynamics to 3rd graders on the R/V Centennial. Photos: Jenny Roberts.

Alana Hysert joined FHLSOP in its second year, and worked with me for six years from 2002-2008. She was absolutely instrumental in the initial development of many FHLSOP projects. Alana expertly managed the watershed projects on Lopez and Orcas island from 2004-2008. She also ran a sophisticated water testing project for oceanography students, which was designed after Washington State’s Marine Waters Monitoring Program. Her other significant contribution was creating the FHLSOP website.

These assistant coordinators/educators have been a terrific help in making FHLSOP a very successful partnership with SJISD and SSIS for 16 years. Their passionate interest in science and the natural world has positively influenced our local students. They all have been an immense pleasure to work with.

To learn more about FHLSOP science projects, please visit: depts.washington.edu/fhlk12.

We would be grateful for your financial support! To make a donation to the FHL Science Outreach Program fund, please donate online here. (We are always in need of additional current-use funds to benefit the Program.) We are also thrilled to announce that we have a new endowment established by a generous supporter of the FHL Science Outreach Program. This Friday Harbor Labs Science Outreach Program K-12 Endowed Fund will help guarantee that Island students will continue to benefit from a Friday Harbor Labs connection into the future. Please help us build this endowment by making a second gift to this fund!