Research Highlights
In-silico Design of Novel Inorganic-Binding Peptides
Engineered Evolution of Inorganic-Binding Peptides
Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Assembly of Hybrid Inorganic-Protein Nanostructures Using an Engineered DNA Binding Protein
Engineering DNA Binding Proteins for Binding Inorganic Particles
Biological Linkers for Plasmonic Fluorescence Enhancement
Conformational Control of Designer Protein-Inorganic Adhesion
Maneuvering the Optical Properties of Silver Nanostructures through Shape-Controlled Synthesis
Binding Kinetics & Thermodynamics of Genetically Engineered Peptides
Biomolecular Recognition-Mediated Fabrication of Tunable Quantum Dot Arrays with Surface-Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence
A Genetic Approach for Controlling Binding and Orientation of Proteins on Nanoparticles
Adsorption, Diffusion, and Self-Assembly of an Engineered Gold Binding Peptide on Au(111) by AFM
Molecular Biomimetics: Linking Peptides with Inorganic Structures
Selection and Analysis of Solid-Binding Peptides
Rapid Synthesis of Small Silver Nanocubes
Excitation enhancement of CdSe QDs by single metal NPs
Adsorption of GEPIs by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS)
Surface-plasmon-enhanced fluorescence from periodic QD arrays through distance control using biomolecular linkers
Effect of Molecular Conformations on the Adsorption Behavior of Gold-Binding Peptides
Quartz Binding Peptides as Molecular Linkers towards Fabricating Multifunctional Micropetterned Substrates
Chemically Controlled Self-Assembly of Enzyme Nanorings
Bioenabled Nanophotonics
Molecular Design of Inorganic-Binding Polypeptides3
Spatially Selective Assembly of Quantum Dot Light Emitters in an LED via Engineered Peptides