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2005 Capstone Presentations, Cohort 1

Kathy Budge
Assistant Superintendent, Teaching and Learning, ESD 113

Place as Problem or Possibility: The Influence of Rurality and Sense of Place on Leaders in One Rural School District
Download Executive Summary (Word doc)

June 29, 2-3pm
Miller Hall 222

Kathleen M. Budge was born and raised in Libby, Montana. For most of her life, she has lived and worked in rural schools and communities. After teaching for 12 years in Montana and Idaho, she moved to Washington State. She currently lives in Olympia, the state’s capital, and serves as Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning for Educational Service District 113 (ESD113). ESD 113 serves 45 predominately small, rural school districts in a five county region. Prior to her service at the ESD, Kathleen worked as a curriculum director, elementary principal, and taught special education, preschool, kindergarten, and first grade.

Kathleen is an adjunct faculty member at Seattle Pacific University and has served as a professional faculty member for the Center For Educational Leadership at the University of Washington. She has made presentations on a wide range of topics related to district and school renewal, change theory, and place-based education at the regional, state, and national level.

Kathleen is active in the Washington Association of School Administrators and has served as regional president and state chairperson for the Instructional and Professional Development Component. She is a member of Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, American Educational Research Association, and Washington Educational Research Association.

Kathleen has been an educational leader in Washington State’s reform initiatives and currently serves on the Statewide School Improvement Technical Assistance Council and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Curriculum Advisory and Review Committee. She was a contributing author to the Washington State School Improvement Planning Guide and the School System Improvement Resource Guide both published by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Additionally, Kathleen has served as a member of Washington State’s Title 1 Distinguished Educator cadre providing technical assistance and professional development to schools engaged in renewal efforts.

Kathleen holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Montana State University-Billings, a Master of Education with an emphasis in leadership from the University of Montana in Missoula, and Doctor of Education from the University of Washington in Seattle. In addition, she is certificated as a teacher, principal, and superintendent in Washington State.

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