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Directions to Miller Hall


Heading North on I-5
Take NE 45th Exit
Turn right onto 45th (east-bound)
Cross NE 15th, take a right on NE 17th
Ask the guard at the gate for parking instructions (guard will provide a campus map on request)

Heading South on I-5
Take 45th Exit
Turn left onto 45th (east-bound)
Cross NE 15th, take a right on NE 17th
Ask the guard at the gate for parking instructions (guard will provide a campus map on request).

From 520 Evergreen Point Bridge
Take Montlake Exit (just past Lk Washington exit)
Turn right onto Montlake Blvd; cross Montlake Bridge
Take the right fork to continue on Montlake Blvd
Follow inside lane
Take left fork to 25th Ave NE
At light, take left onto UW campus
Ask the guard at the gate for parking instructions (guard will provide a campus map on request).

Parking fees are reduced after 5:00 pm. You may receive a partial refund for parking under four hours. Please inform the entrance attendant if you require disability parking.