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Leadership for Learning Cohort 4
Dr. Bev Clevenger

December, 2013
Building Curiosity, Confidence, and Competence

Dr. Jocelyn Co

May 19, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"How to Create a Math Cult in Three Easy Stages"

Dr. Susie Askew

May 19, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

"Learner, Leader, Advocate: Leadership for Equitable Instructional Practice"

Dr. Josh Almy

May 19, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

Panel Members: Kathy Kimball (chair); Marge Plecki; Laurie Harvey, First Grade Teacher (former Bellevue Principal); Kyle Kinoshita, Executive Director of Teaching & Learning, Marysville School District.

Dr. Simon Dalexy

May 19, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"Leading a Cultural Revolution: One School at a Time"

Dr. Robyn Wiens

May 19, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Confessions of a First-Year Assistant Principal: Leading School Transformation"

Dr. Amy Baeder

April 21, 2012
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

Panel Members: Margery Ginsberg (chair); Mike Knapp; Corll Morrissey, Professional Educator Standards Board; Kyle Kinoshita, Executive Director of Teaching & Learning, Marysville School District; Laura Morrison, Assistant Principal, South Shore P-8, Seattle Public Schools.

Dr. Rob MacGregor

April 21, 2012
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

"Planting My Flag as a Leader of Learning"

Dr. Aaron Leavell

April 21, 2012
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

Panel Members: Kathy Kimball (chair); Marge Plecki; Laurie Harvey, First Grade Teacher (former Bellevue Principal); LaWonda Smith, Adjunct Faculty, Antioch University (formerly Kent Principal).

Dr. Anthony Craig

April 21, 2012
10:45 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"Educational Leadership for an Indigenous Context"

Dr. Jen Rose

April 21, 2012
10:45 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

"Daring to Disturb the Universe: An Educational Journey to Purposeful Action"

Dr. Kenny Renner-Singer

April 21, 2012
10:45 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Equity Focused Leadership in Rural School Districts"

Dr. Bill Palmer

April 21, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"Exploring the Middle Ground: Leadership as Teaching"

Dr. Patty Siegwarth

April 21, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

"Inquiry and Central Office Transformation: Vehicles for School Improvement"

Dr. Jenny Parker

April 21, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"The Kaleidoscope Effect"

Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong

April 21, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"Activating Parents as Partners in Closing the Achievement Gap by way of the Motivational Framework"

Dr. Gregory King

April 21, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

Panel Members: Mike Copland (chair); Meredith Honig; Ann Ishimaru; Paul Robb, Professional Development Program Manager, Seattle Public Schools.

Dr. Jeff McCormick

April 21, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Equity, Excellence, and Resourceful Leadership: Improving Academic Outcomes for All Students Through Equity Focused Resource Allocation"

Dr. Ailene Baxter

March 3, 2012
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"My Leadership Journey: Nurturing Hopeful, Respectful, and Motivating Places to Work and Learn!"

Dr. Andrew Eyres

March 3, 2012
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

Panel Members: Meredith Honig (chair); Mike Copland; Cathy Thompson, Asst. Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Seattle Public Schools; Terrance Mims, consultant (former Highline Principal)

Dr. Chrys Sweeting

March 3, 2012
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Quantum Leadership Transformation: A Learning Journey"

Dr. Terese Emry

March 3, 2012
10:45 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"Equity Focused Systems Level Leadership to Support Learning and Teaching"

Dr. Shari Farris

March 3, 2012
10:45 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

"Transformative and Strategic Actions: Using Resourceful Leadership Practices to Promote Access to Excellence for All Learners"

Dr. Linda Quinn

March 3, 2012
10:45 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Transforming a School District to Set the Focus Squarely on Improvement of Teaching and Learning"

Dr. John Gebert

March 3, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

Panel Members: Margery Ginsberg (chair); Mike Knapp; Ann Ishimaru (EDLPS faculty); Corll Morrissey, Professional Educator Standards Board.

Dr. Deka Smith

March 3, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 212

"Fostering Student Centered School Systems Through Central Office Transformation: A District Office Leader's Journey"

Dr. Kareen Borders

March 3, 2012
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Science Research Immersion and K-12 Education: A Framework for Inspiring Underrepresented Students to Excel in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education Through Innovative Instruction, Stakeholder Partnerships and Immersive Research"

Dr. Tim Fries

March 3, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 104

"Striving for Excellence in Systems of Learning"

Dr. Chris Drabek

March 3, 2012
2:45 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

Panel Members: Kathy Kimball (chair); Marge Plecki; Laurie Morrison, Asst. Principal, Seattle Public Schools; Kyle Kinoshita, Executive Director of Teaching & Learning, Marysville School District

Dr. Roxanne Thayer

March 3, 2012
4:30 p.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Transforming Schools into Learning Organizations"

Leadership for Learning Cohort 3
Dr. Peter Scott

June 9, 2011
4:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Smart Conference Room

“Teacher Leadership Development at the Second Career Stage: Influential Factors, Challenges, and Systems Implications ”

Dr. Cathy Thompson

May 18, 2010
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Smart Conference Room

“Problems and Possibilities: On the Ground Professional Learning in an Urban High School”

Dr. Anna-Maria de la Fuente

December 14, 2009
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room M210

“Developing and Retaining Effective Mathematics Teachers in Seattle’s South End High Schools”

Dr. Mark Knight

October 7, 2009
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room M210

“The use of student voice to inform communities of practice in the lesson design process: conclusions for system leaders seeking to increase student engagement.”

Dr. Ginger Callison

September 30, 2009
2:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Room 112A

"The Use of a Cognitive Perspective to Inform the Revision of a Professional Growth Teacher Evaluation Policy"

Dr. Craig Church

July 16, 2009
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"Principal Preparation: Learning to Become an Effective Leader of People through the Lens of Emotional Intelligence"

Dr. Tracy Maury

June 10, 2009
12:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Room 411

"Increasing Bellevue School District Elementary Teachers’ Capacity for Teaching Inquiry-Based Science: Using Contemporary Learning Theory to Inform Professional Development."

Dr. Andrew Cain

June 5, 2009
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 411

"Putting the Team in Team Conifer: Creating a School that Works Interdependently"

Dr. Shellwyn Badger

June 3, 2009
10:30 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 212

"Arts Integration as a Tool for Increased Student Learning:
Systemic Change Assisted Through Action Research in Seattle, WA"

Dr. Tim Yeomans

June 1, 2009
3:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Dean's Conference Room (Rm. 222)

"Building the System and Leadership Capacity for Change:
The Experience of a Small School District Superintendent"

Dr. Rob Manahan

June 1, 2009
10:30 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 112

"The Other Side of Leadership: An Examination of Strategies and Protocols for Developing Emotional Intelligence in School Administrators"

Dr. Paul Robb

May 26, 2009
1:00 p.m., 222 Miller Hall, Dean's Conference Room

"Facilitating and Sustaining Adult Learning and Motivation through Website Design: A Cycle of Inquiry for K-12 Educators"

Dr. Victoria Gardner

May 22, 2009
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall Smart Conference Room

"Professional Development in Medical Education:
Using a Motivational Framework to Increase Cultural Competence Skills"

Dr. Jose Rodriguez

May 14, 2009
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 411

"Linking Professional Development to Teacher Evaluations:
A Design Tool for Real-Time Systems Level Learning"

Dr. Laurie Morrison

May 13, 2009
8:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Rm. 320

"Motivationally and Culturally Responsive Professional Learning Cycles with Beginning Teachers"

Dr. Traci Pierce

May 12, 2009
12:00 p.m., Miller Hall Smart Conference Room

"Principal Professional Development: How Lake Washington is Learning to Support Principals' Sensemaking"

Leadership for Learning Cohort 2
Michelle Reid

June 6, 2012
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall 411

"A Tale of Two Schools"

Dr. Dina Blum

May 25, 2012
2:15 p.m., Miller Hall 313

"Learning from Practice: Video Cases of Complex Instruction in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom "

Dr. Spencer Welch

July 28, 2010
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall M210 (Mezz. Conf. Room)

"Building on Successes in Principal Preparation: A Program Evaluation of the University of Washington’s Danforth Educational Leadership Program"

Dr. Eric Nelson

March 19, 2010
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 411

"Get out of the rut and into a circle--
Cycle of inquiry professional development for central office leaders."

Dr. Victor Anderson

December 3, 2009
9:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Smart Conference Room

"CMP2 Implementation in Seattle: The Experience of Teachers and Principals"

Dr. Steve Gering

November 2, 2009
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Smart Conference Room

"The Interactions of Academic Press and Social Support: A Descriptive Review of the Literature and Recommendations for High Schools"

Dr. Randy Stocker

September 30, 2009
11:30 a.m., Miller Hall, M210 (Mezz. Conf. Room)

"Professional Development for the Underserved Educator: Developing the Paraeducator as an Instructional Resource"

Dr. Ben Gauyan

June 8, 2009
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"Making Sense of Two Conflicting Literacy Initiatives: A Case Study of Two Principals in One Northwest School District"

Dr. Paula Koehler-Martin

June 8, 2009
8:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"The Use of Reflective Practice in Developing the Administrative Team as a Professional Learning Community"

Dr. Laurie Harvey

May 19, 2009
12:00 p.m., Miller Hall Smart Conference Room

"Ed.D. Portfolios: An innovative way to align curricular, internship and work-site learning that supports the development and promotion of practitioner-leaders."

Dr. Terrance Mims

March 5, 2009
8:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"Collaborative Action Research for Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Case Study of Leadership, Teacher Experiences and Professional Learning"

Dr. Peter Bang-Knudsen

January 29, 2009
11:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 411

"How Can a School District Superintendent Increase Principal Instructional Leadership? A Case Study of a Superintendent’s Efforts to Increase Professional and System Learning through Establishing System-Wide Coherence"

Dr. Richelle Ward

December 10, 2008
2:00 p.m., Miller Hall, M210 Conference Room

"A Local Problem of Practice: How the Bellevue School District Does —and Can— Use Accomplished Teachers to Support Instructional Initiatives"

Dr. Tara Dowd

October 14, 2008
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, 222 Miller Hall, Dean's Conference Room

"Taking Action Against the Achievement Gap by Making Meaning of Motivation: A Latino Student Club, a Middle School Principal, and an Action Research Project"

Dr. Machelle Beilke

November 25, 2008
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 112A

"Building teacher capacity for the Faith Works Community Schools teachers in Lusaka, Zambia through Teacher Group Meetings"

Dr. Betty Cobbs

May 9, 2008
2:00 p.m., 222 Miller Hall, Dean's Conference Room

"Action Inquiry for Home Visits: Learning from Immigrant Families to Strengthen the Motivational Significance of Instructional Practices"

Dr. Richard Lentz

December 2007
2:00 p.m., Miller Hall, 206 Conference Room

"Capacity Building Leadership: Actions which Support Middle School Teachers' Success with English Learners"

Dr. Mark Wenzel

December 2007
2:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"Cracking the middle grades mathematics nut: One district's efforts to improve teaching and learning"

Dr. Mary Ann Unger

December 2007

"Listening to Students: Transforming Instructional Practice by Listening to Students' Voices"

Dr. Patricia Zurybida

May 8, 2007
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"Rewards and Fourth Graders' Oral Reading Accuracy and Rate Performance"

Dr. Sue Cohn

May 10, 2007
1:00 p.m., 222 Miller Hall, Dean's Conference Room

"Building Capacity for Sustainability: How do high school staffs develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions to sustain continuous improvement of learning and teaching?"

Dr. Kyle Kinoshita

May 15, 2007
1:00 p.m., Miller Hall, Room 112A

"Critical Inquiry, Instructional Leadership and Closing the Achievement Gap: Principal Learning in a University-School District Professional Development Program"

Dr. Tony Byrd

May 8, 2007
10:00 a.m., Miller Hall, Room 320

"What Principals are Learning about Instructional Leadership and How Districts Can Support that Learning"

Leadership for Learning Cohort 1

Dr. Diane Lashinsky

Wednesday, July 12, 2012 - 3:00 p.m.
Miller Hall, Room 215
Collective Teacher Efficacy and High School Reorganization as Small Learning Communities

Dr. Denise Bill

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 10:00 a.m.
Miller Hall, Room 212
Native American Educational Leadership in the Pacific Northwest

Dr. Pete Bylsma

Friday, May 30, 2008 - 11:00 a.m.
Miller Hall, Room M210
Differences in staff perceptions of school quality

Dr. Norma Zavala

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 11:00 a.m.
Mary Gates Hall, Room 224
Latinos and the Construction of Leadership

Dr. Mark Johnson

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - 8:00 a.m.
Miller Hall, M210
Professional Learning Community Development: One High School's Experience

Dr. Nancy Arnold

Wendesday, May 31, 2006 - 1:00 p.m.

Miller Hall, Room 201
The Impact of Implementing the Statewide Alternate Assessment Portfolio on Student Access to the General Curriculum

Dr. Kathy Bartlett

May 25, 2006 - 10:00am-12:00pm
Miller Hall M210
Professional Learning Community within a State Education Organization: An Action Research Study (tentative title)

Dr. Eric Hong

May 24, 2006 - 1:00pm-3:00pm
Miller Hall M210
Students’ Perspectives: Minority students’ perspective of Being a Learner in an Academic Teaming Strategy Called the Pod.

Dr. Eddie Reed

March 22, 2006 - 1:00pm-3:00pm
Miller Hall M210
Adult Communication Practices Experienced by Students in a Reorganized High School
Project Description

Dr. Steve Grubb

March 8, 2006 - 2:00pm-4:00pm
Miller Hall M210
Making Sense of Reform: Understanding How School Administrators Use Instructional Letters to Improve Instruction in a Northwestern District

Dr. Sandy Austin

November 21, 2005 - 10:00am-11:00am
Miller Hall M210
Differentiating Professional Development for Teacher Success: A Study of Effective Teachers

Dr. Carl Bruner

September 21, 2005 - 3:00-4:00pm
Miller Hall 320
The Effects of a Structured School Improvement Process on Development of Schools' Professional Community
Project Description

Dr. Andy Rogers

August 10, 2005 - 1:00-2:00pm
Miller Hall 320
Student Voice: Bridge to Learning
Project Description

Dr. Kathy Budge

June 29, 2005 - 2:00-3:00pm
Miller Hall 222 (Dean’s Conf Rm)
Place as Problem or Possibility: The Influence of Rurality and Sense of Place on Leaders in One Rural School District
Project Description

Dr. Terrie Geaudreau

June 7, 2005 - 10:00-11:00am
Miller Hall 320
A Closer Look at Mathematics Coaching: A Comparative Case Study of Two Elementary Schools

Dr. Sheryl Harmer

June 3, 2005 - 11:00am-12:00pm
Miller Hall 112
Creating a Context for Success: A Journey of Schools Moving from Policy to Action
Project Description

Dr. Deborah Gonzalez

June 1, 2005 - 2:00-3:00pm
Miller Hall 320
Matters of Perception: Understanding and Defining Large District Support for Comprehensive High School Principals
Project Description

Dr. Cathy Fromme

May 31, 2005 - 1:30-2:30pm
Miller Hall Mezzanine 210
An Examination of Various Types of Trust through an interdisciplinary Trust Typology & the Implications of these Trust Types for Educators & School System Leaders
Project Description

Dr. Lorna Spear

May 31, 2005 - 10:00-11:00am
Miller Hall 320
Mentoring the Emotional Dimensions of Leadership: The Perceptions of Interns
Project Description

Dr. Monte Bridges

May 11, 2005 - 4:00-5:00pm
Miller Hall 222
Superintendent Evaluation for Increased Organizational Performance: From Traits to Triangulation
Project Description