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2005 Capstone Presentations, Cohort 1

Cathy Fromme
Comprehensive School Reform Coordinator, OPSI 1

An Examination of Various Types of Trust through an Interdisciplinary Trust Typology & the Implications of these Trust Types for Educators & School System Leaders
Download Executive Summary (Word doc)

May 31, 1:30-2:30pm
Miller Hall Mezzanine 210

Cathy Fromme began her journey as an educator 27 years ago, as a first grade teacher in California. In her 13 years in Washington she has coordinated the OSPI January Conference and Summer Institutes, as well as the publication of the School Improvement Planning Process Guide (2002). Cathy co-chaired the statewide Commission on Student Learning Accommodations and Alternate Assessment committees and has been a long standing member of a number of Fairness Review Committees. She developed Washington’s statewide Special Education Mediation system; was the Cross Cultural Special Education supervisor for OSPI (providing non-biased assessment, interpreter/translator training, diversity trainings) and Chaired the statewide CSPD committee as well as initiated work on the legislatively mandated inclusion proviso. She is currently the state coordinator for the federally funded Comprehensive School Reform Program.

Cathy was a Senior Consultant for the federally funded Special Education Mediation Program, CADRE (Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education), and was a long standing reviewer for another federally funded program, CLAS (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services). She has consulted, written and presented extensively in the areas of cross cultural awareness, mediation/collaborative decision -making and the change process.

Cathy was also the Diversity manager for 1300+ employees at the Washington Department of Natural Resources where she facilitated, positive/inclusive working relationships and diversity in the workplace as well conducted diversity and harassment trainings. Cathy received her Bachelor of Science from UCLA, Master of Science from San Jose State University, and completed post-master’s work while she was an instructor at the University of Oregon. In 2005 she received her Doctor of Education at the University of Washington in Educational Leadership.

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