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2005 Capstone Presentations, Cohort 1

Lorna Spear
Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Services, Spokane School District

Mentoring the Emotional Dimensions of Leadership: The Perceptions of Interns
Download Executive Summary (Word doc)

May 31, 10:00-11:00am
Miller Hall 320

Lorna L. Spear is a life-long resident of Washington State and has been an educator in Spokane Public Schools for 21 years. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and worked as a cartographer prior to earning her Bachelor of Arts in Education and becoming a teacher. In addition to teaching kindergarten, fifth and sixth grades, she has been a library media specialist, assessment facilitator, instructional coach and principal.

Lorna also earned her Master of Arts degree in Curriculum at Eastern Washington University and then her principal’s certification. She was a member of the Science Subject Advisory Committee and remains involved at the state level with reform efforts. She consults with schools and districts on Title I Schoolwide implementation as well as issues of poverty and systemic reform. Lorna has been a mentor principal to colleagues of schools in the School Improvement Program. She is an active member of the Association of Washington School Principals and often provides training for other principals at the request of the Association. She is a past Washington Educational Research and Evaluation board member and remains an active member. Additionally, Lorna is a member of the Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. She serves on the Washington State LASER Steering Committee and has been a faculty member of the LASER summer institutes since their beginning.

In 2003 she acquired her superintendent’s credential at Gonzaga University and in 2005 her Doctor of Education degree from the University of Washington. Lorna is currently Executive Director of Teaching and Learning for Spokane Public Schools.

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