Near-Road NO2 Monitors

PI: Timothy Larson (UW)
Dates: 06/16/2012 – 06/15/2013
Final Project Report: PacTrans-20-UW-Larson

Near-road monitoring of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in major urban areas in the U.S. will be required by 2013. It is not yet known exactly how many urban areas will be in attainment of the new NO2 air quality standard, due to a lack of historical near-road monitoring information. The answer is sensitive to the exact siting of these monitors with respect to the roadway and EPA’s siting guidance for near-road NO2 monitors is not yet officially established.

In this project we will test the feasibility of a relatively new air quality model, the Quick Urban Industrial Complex (QUIC) model as a practical and economical screening tool for assessing near-road NO2 monitoring sites in a complex urban environment. Using the QUIC model, predictions of nitrogen oxides concentrations will be made at locations near Interstate 5 in Seattle. Model performance will be assessed by comparing predictions with accompanying measurements using a mobile monitoring platform.
