Evaluate H2RI Wicking Fabric for Pavement Applications

PI: Bill Connor (UAF), bgconnor@alaska.edu
Dates: 07/01/2013 – 10/31/2015
Final Project Report: PacTrans-26-UAF-Zhang-Connor

H2Ri wicking fabric is a new geotextile manufactured by TenCate Geosynthetics. It contains both a high modulus polypropylene yarn for reinforcement and a nylon wicking yarn which can absorb and transport water for drainage under unsaturated conditions. Therefore, H2Ri is a dual functional geosynthetic product, which can serve as reinforcement and provide drainage.  When properly designed, it has the potential to dehydrate the subgrade and base course and consequently improve the performance of pavements. This potential has been qualitatively confirmed by a laboratory research performed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and a small test section constructed on the Dalton Highway at mile 110, AKA “Beaver Slide” in Alaska. However, there is no method available to quantify and incorporate the benefits of H2Ri into a pavement design. There are several key questions remain unanswered such as: How far does the H2Ri wicking fabric can transport water? How much is the water transport rate? What is the range of the water removal in the vertical direction? This proposed research is trying to answer these questions so that the benefit of the H2Ri wicking fabric can be incorporated in to design.