Understanding Interdependencies Between Systems Towards Resilient Critical Lifeline Infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest

PI: Haizhong Wang (OSU), Haizhong.Wang@oregonstate.edu
Dates: 12/16/2015-12/16/2016
Status: Completed
UTC Project Information
Final Technical Report

The objective of this proposal is to pursue a fundamental understanding of the interdependencies between systems towards resilient critical lifeline infrastructures in the Pacific Northwest for future smart cities.

In pursuit of this goal, the research questions of this proposal are to

1. Formulate the stochastic interdependency in various interdependent infrastructure net- work disruptions
2. Assess lifeline infrastructure interdependencies by identifying key links between each system and the other lifeline networks that interact with it.
3. Recommend measures to secure and recover interoperability and avoid damage related to collocation and loss of resources from other interdependent lifelines.
4. Address current shortfalls in the absence of performance measures that account for lifeline interdependencies.