Performance Monitoring for Safe and Livable Communities: Fusing Data, to Improve Arterial Operations for All Users
PI: Michael Dixon (UI)
Co-Investigators: Ahmed Abdel-Rahim (UI), Mike Lowry (UI), D. Kim (OSU), J.D. Porter (OSU); Yinhai Wang (UW)
Dates: 05/01/2012 – 9/30/2014
Final Project Report: PacTrans-5-UI-Abdel-Rahim
Safe travel and livable communities require data that can characterize all modes, not just motorized vehicles. The problem many transportation professionals face is measuring performance and correcting poor performance to meet community goals. This project will integrate data from multiple sources for a more complete understanding of how to improve arterial traffic safety and how arterial systems serve each mode and steps that professionals should take to improve service.