Use of Blended Synthetic Fibers to Reduce Cracking Risk in High Performance Concrete

PI: Jason Ideker (OSU)
Dates: 03/01/2012 – 11/01/2013
Final Project Report: PacTrans-11-OSU-Ideker

Early-age bridge deck cracking is a major concern for many DOTs throughout the United States and specifically those in the Pacific Northwest. Cracking within the first months of a bridge deck’s lifespan severely hinders its long-term performance and durability, ultimately reducing the sustainability of this crucial piece of transportation infrastructure. Increased maintenance costs, driver interruptions and possible damage to bridge structure are also a result.

This is a specified problem that the Oregon DOT has experienced and is trying to find solutions to in order to reduce or eliminate related cracking. The incorporation of blended sizes of synthetic fibers could provide resistance to surface wearing and ultimately reduce maintenance costs and provide longer lasting, more sustainable bridge decks. The extension of the proposed research to other types of paving surfaces, e.g., rigid concrete pavements to resist cracking is a possible broader impact.

The goal of this project is to investigate the potential for mixed fiber blends to reduce shrinkage and ultimately cracking in high performance concrete. Recommendations for dosage rates of mixed fiber blends will be provided to aid in specification development.
