SDB Screens

SRF510 - Undergraduate Application

Jump to instructions for this screen


              U N D E R G R A D U A T E   A P P L I C A T I O N            * *

___-__-____  ___/____  NO. _  ACTION: _ (A=ADD, C=CHG, D=DEL, F=FIND, S=PAGE2)

_____________________________________________  __/__/____   _______   _________

FORMER NAME:_____________________________________________ RST:_ CHS:_ HNR REQ:_

APPL TYPE: _  NCR: _  SEX: _  CLASS: __  CAMPUS: _ EVE:_  DATE RCVD: __/__/____

RES: _ SP: __ HNR:_ EOP: _ ATH: _ FAC/STF: _ FOR: _  VET: _  ALUM: _ FSTR CR: _

APP FEE: _  LS TYPE/CD: _/______ FA:_ HFS:_            ETHNIC: ___  HISP: ___

REQ MAJOR: _-______-__-__ HOME CITY/ST: ____________________/__ HOME ADDR: ____

MAILING ADDRESS: ______________________________  COUNTRY: ____________________

      /  /     : ______________________________  PHONE:       (___) ___-____

           CITY: ______________________________  STATE: __    ZIP: _____-____

        COUNTRY: ________________________________________   POSTAL: __________


PERMANENT ADDR:  ______________________________  SAME AS MAILING?   (Y/N) _

               : ______________________________  PERM PHONE:  (___) ___-____

 PERMANENT CITY: ______________________________  STATE: __    ZIP: _____-____

        COUNTRY: ________________________________________   POSTAL: __________

    HIGH SCHOOL: ______                                  DATE: __/____


______ ____________________ __________ __/____-__/____  _ __/__/____  ___

______ ____________________ __________ __/____-__/____  _ __/__/____  ___

______ ____________________ __________ __/____-__/____  _ __/__/____  ___

______ ____________________ __________ __/____-__/____  _ __/__/____  ___

Instructions for screen SRF510

This screen is used by the Data Services Office to build a student's initial record in the SDB. Application screens 510 , 512, 511 and 513 are retrieved by entering an applicant's social security number and the quarter/year they are requesting.

This is the first of two screens used to enter new  undergraduate applications. If any information about the student is already in the SDB (either from financial aid being requested or test scores being downloaded), the name of the student will appear already in the name field.

Data is entered from the application and once it is entered, the student will have a record in the SDB and will show status "as received" for the quarter requested. The information entered on the 510 screen is reflected on many of the other SDB screens.

*name: a student's name is always entered as Last,First Middle. The field following the name field, __/__/__ is for the student's date of birth.

APPL TYPE: There are several different application types for undergraduates. They are:

  1. N= Nonmatriculated
  2. 1=Freshman
  3. 2=Transfer from 2-year school
  4. 4=Transfer from 4-year school
  5. 5=Postbaccalaureate

LS TYPE/CD: This field wants the last school type (high school, community college, 4 yr. College) the student attended and the code number for the school. This code is translated by the SDB and the school name will show on the 505.

HOME CITY/ST: this field is only entered when the RES code and the address are not matched. For example, the RES code is a 1 but the student has an out of state address for their perm address. You would enter the Washington city, and WA in this field.

Some fields are either left blank or have a 'Y' entry. These are:

  • RST: Running Start program
  • HNR REQ: Honors program
  • EOP: Equal Opportunity Program
  • ATH: Athlete
  • FAC/STF: Faculty/Staff Program
  • FOR: Foreign student
  • EVE: Evening Degree Program
  • ALUM Child of Alumni

This is an example of 510 screen one after the student's information has been entered.


              U N D E R G R A D U A T E   A P P L I C A T I O N            *K*

000-00-XXXX  SPR/2005  NO. 1  ACTION: _ (A=ADD, C=CHG, D=DEL, F=FIND, S=PAGE2)

JULIUS,THE CAT                                 01/01/1901   XXXXXXX   000018235

FORMER NAME:JULIUS,J J                                    RST:  CHS:  HNR REQ:Y

APPL TYPE: 2  NCR: 1  SEX: M  CLASS: __  CAMPUS: 0 EVE:N  DATE RCVD: 02/28/2005

RES: 1 SP: __ HNR: 3 EOP: _ ATH: _ FAC/STF: _  FOR: 0 VET: 0 ALUM: _ FSTR CR: _

APP FEE: 1  LS TYPE/CD: 2/004033 FA:_ HFS:_            ETHNIC: 987  HISP: 999

REQ MAJOR: _-______-__-__ HOME CITY/ST:                     /   HOME ADDR: 1984

MAILING ADDRESS: C/O REGISTRAR                 COUNTRY: ____________________

    02/28/2005 : 4110 NE CAMPUS PKWY         PHONE:       (206) 543-XXXX

           CITY: SEATTLE                         STATE: WA    ZIP: 98195-8950

        COUNTRY: ________________________________________   POSTAL: __________



               : 4545 15TH AVE NE # 205A         PERM PHONE:  (206) 543-6324

 PERMANENT CITY: SEATTLE                         STATE: WA    ZIP: 98104-4511

        COUNTRY: ________________________________________   POSTAL: __________

    HIGH SCHOOL: ______                                  DATE: __/____


______ HS                   __________ __/____-__/____  Y 09/25/2002  SEA

______ OBERLIN COLLEGE      __________ __/____-__/____  N 03/19/2004  SEA

______ STATE OF MIND        __________ __/____-__/____  Y __/__/____  SEA

004866 UNIV ALASKA FAIRBNKS __________ __/____-__/____  Y __/__/____  SEA

Once all the data has been entered on the 510, by pressing the SEND key, the system takes you to the SRF510B screen. Here additional information is added to complete the student's application. Information regarding family size, annual income used for financial aid, and parental educational level is entered here. The student's non-University email address is entered and used until a UW netid and email account has been established.

SRF507 | SDB Screen Index | SRF510B

Screen last updated:September 14, 2010, 12:00 pm