Session V: Policy and Policymaking: Reforming Poverty?

October 27, 2014  • Posted in Annual Meeting 2014  •  0 Comments

“Reforming Poverty?” asks how policy can/not impact material, lived experience of poverty. Papers think through discourse, knowledge politics, litigation, social movement organizing, and local level policy initiatives.

The Politics of Knowledge and Poverty: A Case Study of Recent Policy Reforms of the General Assistance Program in Washington State – Yu-Ling Chang, Department of Social Work, University of Washington
Poverty wages and the ‘Fight for 15’: Reimagining fast food through feminist economic geography – Yui Hashimoto, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
The Role of Framing and Communication in Policy Publications on Poverty and Economic Security  – Olivia M. Little, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Illustrating Poverty in Constitutional Litigation – Lisa R. Pruitt, Department of Law, University of California at Davis
Suburban Poverty, Drug Policy, and the Relational Politics of Place: The Case of Surrey, Canada – Andrew Longhurst, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University

For a full copy of the abstracts, please download the PDF.

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