Posts by: RPN


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

Migration Economies: Central American transit, sociality, and exploitation on the journey through Mexico

May 9

Mario Bruzzone - University of Wisconsin-Madison - Department of Geography My scholarship interprets the economic role of transit migrants...

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Varieties of labor-market “inclusion”

May 9

Jamie Peck - University of British Columbia - Department of Geography  I am working on the institutional and social segmentation of low-wage...

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Working Lives: Millennial Women & Work

May 9

Nancy Worth - McMaster University - School of Geography and Earth Sciences This project examines work and the impact of work on social life with a...

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The longitudinal dynamics of men’s care responsibilities in low-income localities

May 9

Anna Tarrant - University of Leeds - School of Sociology and Social Policy The study will explore the impact of economic insecurity on the everyday...

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Relational Poverty Network (2013-2018)

April 25

Vicky Lawson and Sarah Elwood - University of Washington - National Science Foundation Research Coordination Grant  Funded as Full...

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Transforming the Politics of Place: GIS, Knowledge Production, and Community-Based Organizations in Urban Governance, 2003-2010

April 25

Sarah Elwood - University of Washington - National Science Foundation CAREER Grant Funded as Assistant Professor National Science Foundation...

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Discussion with Sanford Schram

April 9

Monday, April 13th, 12:30 - 3:00, UW Faculty Club, Yukon Pacific Room    We are delighted to be able to offer RPN members a unique...

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Article: Privatization, Business Attraction, and Social Services across the United States: Local Governments’ Use of Market-Oriented, Neoliberal Policies in the Post-2000 Period

March 3

Linda Lobao, The Ohio State University, Lazurus Adua University of Northern Iowa & Gregory Hooks, Washington State University Privatization,...

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The Deliciousness of Agency: Trout Farming in Guatemala

February 23

Sunni Wissmer - University of Washington, Engineers Without Borders Engineers Without Borders University of Washington Student Chapter is a part...

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