Posts by: RPN


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

‘Prevention is the best treatment’ : The Politics of HPV Vaccination in Tanzania

October 26

Helen Olsen, Rutgers University This project examines the logics through which girls enrolled in school come to be framed as ideal subjects for HPV...

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Geographies of poverty and prisons

October 26

Anne Bonds, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Anne Bonds is an Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee with...

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Spaces of Interdependent and Caring Citizenship: Women Rising for Immigration Reform

October 26

Kristy Copeland, University of Washington As with the deserving and undeserving poor of the 19th century, currently much attention is placed on...

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The Relational Poverty Network

October 26

The Relational Poverty Network (RPN) innovates in poverty research as our members work together to create new ideas and approaches to understanding...

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The ethnic-racial dimension in the making of middle class and lower classes identities in Argentina, c. 1930-2003

October 26

Ezequiel Adamovsky, University of Buenos Aires / CONICET My research explores the relationship between class identities, ideas of nation and...

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Article: Whose crisis? Spatial imaginaries of class, poverty and vulnerability

October 26

Sarah Elwood and Victoria Lawson, Department of Geography, University of Washington In the recent recession in the US (termed by some The Great...

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Journal Article: De-centering Poverty Studies: middle class alliances and the social construction of poverty

October 26

Victoria Lawson with Middle Class Poverty Politics Research Group In this lecture I explore relational poverty analysis to take seriously the...

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Journal Article: Encountering poverty: space, class and poverty politics

October 26

Vicky Lawson and Sarah Elwood, University of Washington A spoof called ‘Occupy Wall Street Divided’ draws ironic attention to class segregation...

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Syllabus: Global Poverty and Care

October 26

Vicky Lawson, University of Washington This course explores causes and patterns of global poverty and links this to the urgent need for care and...

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