Posts by: RPN


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

Living the Dream: youth, unemployment, and the promise of a middle-class life in Cairo

May 1

Harry Pettit, London School of Economics The rise of a Global Middle Class has been lauded by development institutions, the media, and academia...

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Political infrastructure: community wireless mesh networks and urban politics

March 24

Emma Slager, University of Washington In this project, I examine community-built Internet infrastructure as it relates to broader struggles for...

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Governing the “Post-Conflict” City: Urban Futures in Bogotá

March 16

Emma Shaw Crane, New York University The progressive urban planning projects of Bogotá, Colombia are celebrated globally as models of inclusion,...

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The Politics of Cross Class Alliance-Building in a Mixed-Income Neighborhood

March 16

Anisa Jackson, University of Washington This research project considers the politics of cross-class relationships in the Seattle mixed-income...

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A Multi State Study of Monetary Sanctions

March 9

Alexes Harris, Associate Professor of Sociology Recent media attention on the justice practices of imposing fiscal penalties highlights the need...

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Planning for property? (Counter)performing property within and beyond “land use” planning

March 4

Trevor Wideman, PhD student @ Simon Fraser University This project questions the concept of “land use” as it has been used in the discipline...

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The RPN at Urban Color-Lines: thinking through inequality, democracy, and a politics of hope

February 29

Yui Hashimoto (Ph.C., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Magie Ramírez (Ph.C., University of Washington), Yolanda Valencia (Ph.D. student,...

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The politics of SNAP: Stimulus, Stigma, and Supermarket Redlining

February 23

Jerry Shannon, University of Georgia The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) has long been touted for...

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Practicing solidarity: Mexican Hometown Associations in New York City

February 22

Araby Smyth, University of Kentucky, Department of Geography I am interested in how people cope with and resist neoliberal governance and...

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