Session VI: Poverty and Home

October 27, 2014  • Posted in Annual Meeting 2014  •  0 Comments

This session explores experiences of poverty in and through the idea of ‘home’: the politics of homelessness, of intentional neighboring, and how we visualize poverty at the scale of the household and neighborhood.

Occupying for Survival: Legitimating Homeless Space -Stephen Przybylinski, Department of Geography, Portland State University
Discourses of Endangered Language, Disability, and Poverty: How Attitudes toward Deaf Signing Communities in Latin America Produce Poverty – Elizabeth S. Parks, Department of Communication, University of Washington
Housing First and the ambiguous politics of homelessness – Tom Baker, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University
Visualizing multi-scale poverty: Seattle neighborhoods 1990-2010 – Chris Fowler, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University
A Quiet Politics of Spatial Solidarity: Faith and Middle Class Place-Making – Samuel Nowak, Department of Geography, University of California at Los Angeles, Katherine Hankins, Department of Geosciences, Georgia State University & Andy Walter, Department of Geography, University of West Georgia

For a link to full abstracts, please download the PDF

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