Posts Tagged ‘Class’


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

Working Lives: Millennial Women & Work

May 9

Nancy Worth - McMaster University - School of Geography and Earth Sciences This project examines work and the impact of work on social life with a...

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Blog: Classism Exposed

September 22

Classism Exposed is a project of Class Action, a national nonprofit that inspires action to end classism. They offer trainings, workshops, teaching...

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¿Clase o gradiente de clase? El falso “efecto de demostración” / Class or Gradient of Class? The false “demonstration effect”

September 7

Ezequiel Adamovsky, University of Buenos Aires, CONICET Research Center For English translation, click here. La mayoría de los trabajos que se...

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Contesting the neoliberal metropolis: macroeconomics and/in the city and the 2013 protests in Brazil

April 16

Felipe Magalhães – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Department of Geography A wide range of heterogeneous social...

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Governing Urban Poverty: Boston, Dublin and Vancouver

April 16

Karen Murray - York University - Department of Political Science Empirically, Karen aims to document the governmental and political character and...

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(In)Visible Boundaries: Uneven Housing Development and the Spatialization of Class in Nanjing, China

March 19

Sarah Tynen, University of Colorado - Boulder, Department of Geography Since 1978, free-market economic reforms in China decentralized state power...

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A Proud, Angry Poor

February 19

Frances Fox Piven, CUNY Graduate Center, Department of Political Science In her 2012 contribution to The Nation, Piven calls for broader...

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Report: National Report Card on Poverty and Inequality

February 4

The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University The Stanford Center recently published a full report on the state of poverty...

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Grandmothers Hold Up More Than Half the Sky: Contemporary Grandmother Caregiving

January 25

LaShawnDa Pittman - University of Washington - Department of American Ethnic Studies There are more grandparents raising their grandchildren today...

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