Posts Tagged ‘Inequality’


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

(In)Visible Boundaries: Uneven Housing Development and the Spatialization of Class in Nanjing, China

March 19

Sarah Tynen, University of Colorado - Boulder, Department of Geography Since 1978, free-market economic reforms in China decentralized state power...

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iPads in the Laundromat

March 2

Nick Gottschall, University of Washington, Department of International Studies There’s a laundromat on Bellevue Avenue, near my Capitol Hill...

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The #GlobalPOV Project

February 10

Ananya Roy, University of California Los Angeles and Abby VanMuijen, University of California, Berkeley The turn of the century is marked by the...

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Report: National Report Card on Poverty and Inequality

February 4

The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University The Stanford Center recently published a full report on the state of poverty...

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Video: Opportunity Village Eugene

January 27

Brent Adams and Jeremy Leonard's mini documentary explores  sanctioned tent cities throughout the Pacific Northwest, including sites in Eugene, OR,...

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Places, Poverty and The Local State: Local Governments and Community Well-Being Across the United States

January 25

Linda Lobao - The Ohio State University - School of Environment and Natural Resources  Linda Lobao is a Professor of Rural Sociology, Sociology,...

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Grandmothers Hold Up More Than Half the Sky: Contemporary Grandmother Caregiving

January 25

LaShawnDa Pittman - University of Washington - Department of American Ethnic Studies There are more grandparents raising their grandchildren today...

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Collaborative Research: Mapping the US Solidarity Economy

January 21

Stephen Healy, Worcestor State University, Department of Physical and Earth Sciences  with: Craig Borowiak, Haverford College; Emily Kawano US...

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Urban Gardens and Hunger in the City

January 21

Lucy Jarosz, University of Washington, Department of Geography This project examines the relationships between urban gardens in Seattle,...

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