
Hardie, MacDonald and Rubel, Brain Research Methods

LSCM image stack collected from the organ of Corti, C57BL6 mouse, 2 months old, imaged by combined autofluorescence and the DNA label, Yo-Pro-1. Nuclei are brightly visible against paraformaldehyde induced tissue autofluorescence. Note that the well formed anatomy allows ready identification of the cell types and 9 IHC nuclei. Compare this to movies from animal #6421. 488 nm Excitation/522DF35 Emission filter. LSCM, Nikon 60X PlanApo, Zoom=2, 163 slices, 0.4 µm per slice.

Brightest point projections of the same image stack as in 6015s3, using the Object Image “Fire” look-up table. Nuclei are brightly colored against the blue autofluorescence. A line has been drawn along the row of IHC nuclei to measure the cochlear duct. 488 nm Excitation/522DF35 Emission filter. 65.2 µm thick optical volume.

LSCM image stack of combined autofluorescence and Yo-Pro-1 nuclear label from a 15 month old C57BL6 mouse. Note that the distorted anatomy of the collapsed organ of Corti makes it impossible to determine presence of IHC nuclei below the tectorial membrane. 488 nm Excitation/522DF35 Emission filter. LSCM, Nikon 60X PlanApo, Zoom=2, 152 slices, 0.4 µm per slice.

Brightest point projections of the same image stack as in 6421s3, using the Object Image “Fire” look-up table. Nuclei are brightly colored against the blue autofluorescence. A line has been drawn along the basilar lamina below the approximate position of the IHC.. 488 nm Excitation/522DF35 Emission filter. 60.8 µm thick optical volume.

Surface rendering of the 6015s3 stack, with the autofluorescence emissions collected in 2 channels with 522DF35 and 605DF32 filters. Pixel intensities from autofluorescence are in the green channel and pixels from nuclear label are in the red channel. Rendering was carried out with Voxblast.

Surface rendering of the 6421s3 stack, with the autofluorescence emissions collected in 2 channels with 522DF35 and 605DF32 filters. Pixel intensities from autofluorescence are in the green channel and pixels from nuclear label are in the red channel. Rendering was carried out with Voxblast.

Modiolar view from a C57BL6 mouse, 21 days old, acquired by multi-photon LSCM. IHC somata in the upper turn are labeled by calretinin (red). Nerve fibers innervating the IHCs and OHCs are labeled for neurofilaments (green). Multi-photon imaging appears to have less signal attenuation through the depth of the volume. Zeiss 40X PlanNeoFluor, Zoom = 2, 38 µm optical volume.

Outer hair cells are labeled by antibodies to prestin (green), IHCs are labeled for calretinin (red) while To-Pro-3 identifies nuclei (blue) in the organ of Corti from a 21 day old C57BL6 mouse. LSCM, Nikon 60X PlanApo, Zoom = 2, 28.8 µm optical thickness.


Nerve fibers and IHCs are labeled by calretinin in a surface view of the lower turn from a 21 day old C57BL6 mouse. Nerves constrict as they pass through the habenula perforata then spread to innervate the IHCs. LSCM, Nikon 60X PlanApo, Zoom = 1, optical volume is 82.5 µm thick.

Modiolar view of the organ of Corti from an aged C57BL6 mouse displays missing IHCs in the lower turn. IHC somata and nerves are labeled for calretinin (red) while beta-tubulin (green) labels support cells, oligodendrocytes, basal lamina and Hensen’s cells. Thin crossing fibers may be observed in the tunnel of Corti. LSCM, Nikon 60X PlanApo, Zoom = 2, 60 µm thick optical volume, 78.2 µm cochlear duct length.

The gross anatomy and spiral of the cochlear duct from a C57BL6 mouse, aged 60 days, acquired by LSCM, are presented in a combined image of autofluorescence and Yo-Pro-1 nuclear label. Nikon 4X EPlan, Zoom=1, optical volume of 200 µm thickness.