Lab Information

Lab Protocols

Lab Safety

New Lab Member Orientation

Welcome to the Rubelab.doc

Main Brain Page (who's in charge of what)

Chemical Inventory (MyChem)

Ordering Information

Rubelab Order Form (doc)

How to recycle styrofoam boxes

("Styrofoam for Recycling" Sign.pdf)

Map to the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center (VMBHRC)

Getting to the Rubelab from SeaTac Airport using the light rail system (pdf)

Walking Route From Husky Stadium Light Rail Station to Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center (VMBHRC) (link to Google Map)

Animal Protocol

Note: to access the Animal Protocol, you must log in to Office 365 using "your uwnetid" You will then be re-directed to a sign-in page where you can type your UWNetID password and gain access to the Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) Research Support Website. From there, you may navigate to the IACUC Protocol Sites Portal and find the most up-to-date version of the Rubelab Animal Protocol. Click here for more detailed instructions.


How to set up OTO Polycom SoundStation with the Digital Telephone in BB938 using KONNEX Konference Konnect