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Student News – Industrial Design Trapster Race

by admin on September 3rd, 2010

Originally posted on 15 Oct 09:

The first annual Trapster Race: Design vehicles that were solely propelled by the stored/kinetic energy from off-the-shelve mouse-traps. This project was concluded by an endurance race down the 2nd floor hallway of the School of Art building. ID juniors competed against seniors and the student/team whose vehicle managed to travel the farthest distance won the competition. Bonus points were given for creativity, simplicity, and aesthetic of the design. Teamwork was encouraged (max 2). No rat traps, nor Lego-bricks etc. were allowed!!

“Two classes were combined for the competition — Art 317, the intermediate industrial design studio, and Art 447, the advanced course. The project was fun, but it also satisfied the academic needs of the classes, which go beyond simple design to consider — according to class descriptions — the ‘psychological, sociological, and economic factors involved in designing for consumer acceptance.'”

Read more about last year’s Trapster Race at University Week.

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