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IVA Exhibit + Opening!

by jcmills on November 18th, 2010

Friday, November 19th, from 6-8pm, is the opening of the first Interdisciplinary Visual Arts senior show for this academic year. Twenty-one students will be exhibiting their work at the School of Art’s Sandpoint Gallery: Abigail Aguisanda, Sarah Bishop-Gretz, Scott Blue, Adam Cisler, Anna Coughlin, Johnny Damian, Talia, Finkelstein, Ana Margarita Ford, Kenny Hong, Kelsey Kay, Laura Kent, Karam Kim, Ji Yun Lee, Alice Lee, Michelle Nagasawa, Liz Rudisill, Jennifer Spinelli-McHenry, Noelle Marie Troyer, Alyssa Volpigno, Erica Nicole Waysville, and Molly Wheat. Professor Lou Cabeen has been the faculty member working with this group. The show remains up through November 28th. Hours and location information are on our calendar, including links to two maps.

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