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Faculty + Alumni at New Seattle Gallery

by jcmills on December 10th, 2010

Prographica is a new gallery featuring fine works on paper. Norman Lundin, Professor Emeritus, started the gallery in conjunction with Francine Seders. Prographica’s inaugural exhibition is Previews of Things to Come, a group show. Four current School of Art faculty (David Brody, Ann Gale, Philip Govedare, and Zhi Lin) have work in the show as do at least ten alumni: Eric Elliott (MFA 2007), Phillip Levine (MFA 1961), Dale Lindman (MFA 1982), Robert Maki (MFA 1966), Sherry Markovitz (MFA 1975), Elizabeth Ockwell (BFA 1967), Linda Thomas (MFA 1996), Vannessa Tran (BFA 2000), Kimberly Trowbridge (MFA 2006), and Evelyn Woods (MFA 1993). This show opens with a celebration on Saturday, 11 December, from 2-5pm. The exhibit continues through 05 February 2011.

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