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Faculty News: Cynthea Bogel

by jcmills on February 23rd, 2011

Art History Associate Professor Cynthea Bogel gave a paper titled “Representation, Visual Efficacy, and the Impact of Mikkyō” at the John C. Weber International Symposium on Japanese Religion and Culture, “Images and Objects in Japanese Buddhist Practice,” on 07 October 2010. In early November 2010, she presented two papers at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London on Japanese Buddhist sculpture; she gave a graduate seminar on Chinese and Japanese Buddhist ritual goods and materials at the Royal College of Arts; and she participated in a workshop on Esoteric Buddhism and Icons in Japan at the Centre for Japanese Religions, School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Bogel was appointed to the Standing Advisory Board for the Buddhism Bibliography that is part of Oxford University Press’s Oxford Bibliographies Online. She will present a paper on Esoteric Buddhist art at the Association for Asian Studies Conference in early April 2011.

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