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Casteras Speaks in Rome + DC

by jcmills on August 16th, 2011

Susan Casteras; photo by Doug ManelskiArt History Professor Susan Casteras traveled to Rome in July to give a presentation at “Transforming Henry James,” the Fifth International Conference of the Henry James Society. Her paper, part of the “Teaching James” session, was titled “Expatriate Perspectives: Contemporary Victorian Art Criticism vs. Jamesian Commentary.” In late October, Casteras will travel to Washington, DC, for a symposium titled “Palaces of Art: Whistler and the Art Worlds of Aestheticism,” which is being sponsored by the Lunder Consortium for Whistler Studies based at the Smithsonian’s Freer and Sackler Galleries. Her paper is titled “Aesthetes on Display: Not Masculine and Progressive but Reclusive and Retrospective.” Casteras recently became Chair of the Art History Division.

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