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Joe Davis Exhibit and Lecture

by jcmills on January 31st, 2011

Tuesday, 01 February, from 4-7pm is the opening of Resonance: Nature, Glass, and Standing Waves in the Art of Joe Davis at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Davis, an artist-researcher in laboratories at both MIT and Harvard University, is a pioneer of “bioart,” creating works that explore biological materials, genetics, and broader questions about the nature of life. A portion of this exhibit will feature pieces he made in collaboration with glass artists during a summer 2010 residency at the Pilchuck Glass School. The exhibit closes on Saturday, 19 February.

Davis will talk about his work on Wednesday, 02 February, at 7pm in Kane Hall, room 120. The lecture is titled “Perché non parli? Paradox and Palimpsest in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”

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