UW - Upward Bound I Am Who I Am Blue Bar

UW - Upward Bound WWW Pages

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I Am Who I Am

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I Am Who I Am

I Am Who I Am as a topic will be based on Seattle as your backyard, people will describe how living in this area has helped to shape who they are personally. For example, Seattle offers many choices and lifestyles due to its richness in diversity, culture, and geography. Because of Seattle's people(s) and/or landscape, they would describe who they have become and why. Their purpose is to help the reader understand what it is about the area of Seattle that has helped make you who they are today.

Mohammad A

Huston G

Sang K

Celeste L

Blenda M

Rozella P

Thomas P

Denise S

Sinath S

Chanh V

Tim W

[Author Unknown]

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