UW - Upward Bound WWW Pages

Washington Bound '95

The UB Washington Magazine's Theme is:
"In Your Backyard"

Washington Bound is Washington Upward Bound's on-line magazine. Our goal is to share with you who we are and some of our experiences in UB. We have collaborated essays, poetry, and artwork from Seattle UB as well as California and Iowa UB's for you to see.

A Place I'll Never Forget

Managing editor: Erhiza N

Using a city as their backyard, students describe a place that they can never forget; a place that means more to them than any other place in the world. To help the reader "visualize" the place, students were encouraged to write aboute specific details which could help the reader to see the "place". To involve the reader in the memory of the place and to participate in its memory of it, these papers also describe what has happened there. The main purpose of these articles is to help the reader visualize the place described and understand how the author feels about it.

I am Who I am

Managing Editor: Chien L

Using a city as their backyard, students have written articles that describe how living in their area has helped to shape who they are personally. For example, Seattle offers many choices and lifestyles due to its richness in diversity, culture, and geography. Because of Seattle's people and/or landscape, students would describe who they have become and why. Their purpose is to help the reader understand what it is about the area of their that has helped make them who they are today.

Touring [your city] the uncommon way

Managing Editor: Chrisitne T

Instead of the usual tour brochure, students have written articles which will guide anyone to those areas which they think are worthy of seeing, but not necessarily areas that are famous or well-known. This can be a secret place that they know about, a scenic walk that someone could take, or a special restaurant that they love. Their purpose is to help the reader know where to go in Seattle, what to look for, and what to try.

Creative Works

Managing Editor: Maxine K
Examples of the creative works of Upward Bound students. These works showcase the creative talent of Upward Bound students in a variety of forms and expressions. Students were encouraged to express themselves in the various mediums of art, drawings, writings and poetry.

From the classes of Upward Bound

Managing Editor: Christina R
Examples of works from the Social Studies and Language Arts classes of the UW - Upward Bound Program.

Upward Bound's Photo Album

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