Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center Homepage

Our Mission: To prevent and treat the harmful effects of traumatic experiences on survivors, families and communities. We provide effective support and care that is also individualized, culturally inclusive, and compassionate. We serve the larger community through leadership, prevention, education, and advocacy.

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News & Articles

HATC News & Articles

HATC was represented at the Juneteenth celebration at Jimi Hendrix park on June 19, 2024. The event was well attended and almost 100 people stopped by the HATC booth. There were reports of how much Harborview was appreciated in the community. People shared stories of the lives of relatives being saved because of the care received at Harborview. Some people shared personal testimonies of how much they valued the caring service received by HATC staff. Community members expressed their appreciation that HATC was represented at the event

For Professionals

HATC provides professional training and consultation, evidence-based learning collaboratives and resources to assist professionals in providing excellent research-based care.

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