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CV + bio
Environmental data
Several databases are available via
Mike Toffel and Julian Marshall's environmental data website
Estimated difference between white and non-white NO
concentrations for U.S. States and Urban Areas
Annual and monthly NO
estimates for every U.S. Census Block
Empirical Model Database
, a collection of large-scale empirical models of air pollution
Air pollution and other data from 111 U.S. Urban Areas
(50 KB)
Intake fraction for 3646 urban areas, globally
Global meteorological data, 1957 - 2002
EPA SCRAM meteorological data
DOE Energy Information Agency
Satellite measurements of nitrogen dioxide
US Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) pollution map - Scorecard
US Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) pollution map - MapEcos
Fuel economy for new vehicles
The Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions (CACES)
The Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP)
A dataset of empirical spatial models
Air quality and health impacts of potential nuclear electricity generator closures in Pennsylvania and Ohio
" by C Tessum and JD Marshall (2019). Report uses InMAP to investigate impacts from the additional fossil-fuel electricity generation that is expected if specific nuclear power plants close.
Risk Assessment of Diesel-Fired Back-up Electric Generators Operating in California
" by JD Marshall and WW Nazaroff (2002). This report uses intake fraction to calculate the health risk assessment. Results were used in the following report: "
Smaller, Closer, Dirtier: Diesel Backup Generators in California
" by NE Ryan, KM Larsen, and PC Black (published by Environmental Defense, 2002)
Using Intake Fraction to Guide ARB Policy Choices: The Case of Particulate Matter
" by JD Marshall and WW Nazaroff (2004)
A Land Use Regression Road Map for the Burrard Inlet Area Local Air Quality Study
" by M Brauer, SB Henderson, and JD Marshall (2011); additional appendices available
Intake Fraction
" by JD Marshall and WW Nazaroff (2006)
Marshall's PhD Dissertation
Resources for students
Energy fact sheets
Dan Kammen's introduction to opportunities and resources in energy and environmental science & policy
HEGIS provides several
student resources
, including ideas on how to be a (successful) graduate student and on asking for a letter of reference. If asking Professor Marshall for a reference or a recommendation letter, please also read
this document
Other resources on how to be a sucessful graduate student from
Marie desJardins
Kevin Krizek
Todd Reubold's Top 16 Tips for Superstar Presentations
. (Todd's talk is summarized in
this PDF
and in
this checklist
ZeFrank's 'How to Public Speaking'
Impact opportunities
Urban carbon modeling
Current market price of carbon on the European market
Global Carbon Project
Urban Climate Change Research Network
Urban and Regional Carbon Management (URCM) Initiative
Vulcan high-resolution CO2 emission estimates
Vulcan Google Earth application
Reports discussing urban carbon emissions include:1i>
The Greenness of Cities
" by EL Glaeser and M Kahn; also available
Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America
" by Sarzynski et al. (published by the Brookings Institute)
Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change
" by Ewing et al. (published by the Urban Land Institute & Smart Growth America)
Transportation Emissions Guidebook, Part One: Land Use, Transit & Travel Demand Management
" by Dierkers et al. (published by the Center for Clean Air Policy)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Transportation Sources in Minnesota
" by Boies et al. (published by the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies); a summary for policy makers, titled "
A Smaller Carbon Footprint
," is also provided
Strategies for Reducing the Impacts of Surface Transportation on Global Climate Change
" by CJ Burbank of Parson Brinckerhoff (published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials [AASHTO] and the Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Highway Research Program [TRB/NCHRP])
University of Minnesota - Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering
Applying to graduate school
Undergraduate co-op
Marshall's departmental website
University of Minnesota - other
Funding opportunities
Engineers Without Borders - UMN chapter
Graduate study in land and atmospheric science, UMN
Human-Environment Geographic Information Science laboratory, UMN
School transportation tool
Advanced school transportation tool
Atmospheric Environment
Environmental Science & Technology
Energy Policy
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental Research Letters
Journal of Transport and Land Use
Urban Studies
ICCT report, "
The impact of vehicle and fuel standards on premature mortality and emissions
Vancouver cycling route planner
Global map of accessibility
Evaluations and recommendations for carbon offsets are available
here (from Tufts Climate Initiative)
Ashden Awards / GVEP report, "
Carbon finance: A guide for sustainable energy enterprises and NGOs
Kenneth Moreland, "
Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization.
" In
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing
, December 2009. Color advice for maps is available from
. Useful color guidelines include
this Matlab file
(written by Sam Borgeson, UC Berkeley) and
this Excel file
LUR Tools
, an ArcGIS toolbox for calculating common predictor variables used in land use regression models
MATLAB function
for building land use regression models.
MPCA and MDH report, "
Life and Breath: How Air Pollution Affects Public Health in the Twin Cities.
" Corresponding "
Be Air Aware
" website.
"Startup Playbook"
Sam Altman
of Y Combinator.
CV + bio
NIH 5-page biosketch - SF424 (R&R)
(domestic focus:
, international focus:
NSF 2-page (
3ie 2-page (
NASA 1-page (
Bio (