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STI & HIV Research Symposium

The Annual STI & HIV Research Symposium, co-hosted by the UW Center for AIDS & STD (CFAS) and the UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) is our premier showcase for featuring emerging HIV and STI research talent within our community. Scientific talks include a keynote speaker and early-stage investigators, who are customarily recipients of developmental awards from the UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research and STI Cooperative Research Center. Representatives of community-based organizations and researchers at all career stages are encouraged to attend, network and contribute to the Symposium discussions.


STI & HIV Research Symposium

Click here to download the agenda

Keynote Presentation: “Whose fault is it that Bob got syphilis” by Dr. Christopher Fairley


Community Engagement Panel


Overdose Epidemic in King County Panel