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CFAR Seminar

For the last 25 years, the UW/Fred Hutch CFAR Seminar Series has brought clinical and laboratory-based researchers, including both Seattle-based researchers and those from outside the region, to present their cutting-edge insights to our research community. The CFAR Seminars are held on the first Thursday of each month during the academic year (October through June). For upcoming CFAR Seminars please visit our Upcoming Events page.


CFAR Seminars 2023 - 2024

Coming Soon!


CFAR Seminars 2023 - 2024

CFAR Seminar Talk

Advancing HIV and STI Prevention And Equity Among US MSM and TGW – Hyman Scott, MD, MPH


CFAR Seminar Talk

Harnessing CD8+ T cells for HIV Cure: What Will it Take? – Rachel Rutishauser, MD, PhD

CFAR New Faces Talk

Exploring Avidity in HIV Vaccine Design – Iain MacPherson, PhD



CFAR Seminar Talk

What Can HIV Controllers Teach Us About a Cure? – Joel Blankson, MD, PhD

*At the request of the speaker, this talk was not recorded nor will be shared after the seminar

CFAR New Faces Talk

Can Host Transcriptomics Predict the Size and Activity of the HIV Reservoir? – German Gornalusse, PhD, MS

CFAR Seminar Talk

Using Data to Help Drive Public Policy: Examples from amfAR’s HIV, COVID-19 & Opioid Portfolio – Greg Millett, MPH

CFAR New Faces Talk

Lessons Learned and Value Added from the 2022 King County Mpox Response – Chase Cannon, MD, MPH


CFAR Seminar Talk

The Multifaceted Effects of Copper-IUD on the Cervicovaginal Environment – Heather Jaspan, MD

CFAR New Faces Talk

A Novel Non-Invasive Method to Sample Luminal Immune Cells from the Lower Female Genital Tract – Whitney Harrington, MD, PhD


Panel Discussion slides
  1. HIV Specimen Repository – Dr. H. Nina Kim
  2. HVTN Repository – Dr. Jim Kublin
  3. SEATRAC – Dr. Paul Drain
  4. ICRC Specimen and Data Repository – Dr. Jairam Lingappa
  5. SeaPiP, ACTG, MTN, & WaNPRC Repositories – Dr. Florian Hladik
CFAR Seminar Talk

High Throughput Analysis of B cell Dynamics and Neutralizing Antibody Development During Immunization with a Novel Clade C HIV-1 Envelope
– Cynthia A. Derdeyn, PhD



CFAR Seminars 2022 - 2023