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Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Statement of Purpose

At the UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research, we are committed to fostering an equitable, diverse, and inclusive community where every member feels not only supported and valued but experiences a sense of belonging. Marginalized communities, including racial and ethnic minorities, gender and sexual minorities, persons with disabilities or socioeconomic disadvantage, bear a disproportionately higher burden of HIV due to structural inequities. We strive for meaningful change of unjust systems and understand this will require resources, humility, accountability, persistence and partnership. We recognize that a diversity of experience and perspective are critical to advancing HIV research and ending the HIV epidemic. We seek and welcome people from across the spectrum of disciplines, identities and backgrounds to join us. 

To work towards our goals, we will: 

  • Expand our programs and strategies to attract and retain diverse investigators, faculty and staff and ensure opportunities for career growth and advancement for all. 
  • Invest in investigators from marginalized communities and in research that advances equity and prioritizes community engagement. 
  • Examine and revise/reconstruct our policies and structures to ensure they are free of bias and oppression and grounded in equity. 
  • Be willing to examine our own implicit biases and question how our inaction or behaviors may reinforce those structural injustices we seek to dismantle. 
  • Increase outreach to and dialogue with historically underrepresented student populations within UW and beyond. 
  • Deepen our training, research and mentorship related to equity, diversity and community engagement. 
  • Adopt and promote participatory community engagement principles to ensure that  marginalized persons including people with HIV can shape or lead research conducted in their communities. 

Nina Kim, EDI Director
David Katz, Health Equity
Louis Shackelford, Office of Community Engagement
Susan Mello, Administrative
Engi Attia, Biomarkers, Prevention and Interventions for HIV-associated Malignancies and NCDs
Emma Murphy, Implementation Science
Judith Tsui, Substance Use
Joanne Stekler, Behavioral Innovations
Tom Andrus, Immunology, Retrovirology and Cure
Jodi Byers, Data Science and Methods
Jacqueline Williamson, Developmental
Linh Newcomb, Developmental
Rob Fredericksen, Clinical and Comorbidity Research

Nina Kim
EDI Director

UW/Fred Hutch CFAR