Census CD-ROMs
CSSCR has the following census CDs, and they are available through a computer in our consulting room. If you need to use them, please contact with Data Archivist txtian@u.washington.edu.
CensusCD 2010 Short Form in 2000 Boundaries CD
Allows the 2010 SF 1 data crosswalks to the 2000 census geographic boundaries, and also compares the 2010 data with the 2000 census numbers in the 2000 geographic boundary definitions
CensusCD Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB) CD
Contains 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 Long Form data with details. It gives users instant access to U.S. Census data from 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 at the census tract level, and allows users to analyze changes that have occurred in U.S. neighborhoods over four decades.
CensusCD 1990 Long Form in 2000 Boundaries CD
Allows users to access U.S. Census data from 1990 and easily compare it with the 2000 Census data.
CensusCD 1980 Long Form in 2000 Boundaries CD
Contains both the 1980 Long Form (STF-3) and Short Form (STF-1) datasets, it allows users to access U.S. Census data from 1980 and easily compare it with the 2000 Census data.
2010 CensusCD
Contains Short Form (Summary File 1) only. This 100-percent data counts with both demographic profiles, summary files of aggregated data at all of the geographies including Blocks.
2000 CensusCD
Contains Long Form (STF3), Short Form (STF1), Redistricting, and both block level products.
1990 CensusCD
Contains Long Form (SF3) in 11 boundaries such as tracts, block groups, zip codes, MSA and more, and Short Form (SF1) blocks data.
1980 CensusCD
Contains 1980 Census Long and Short Form date sets. This CD includes 1500 variables: 1200 from the Long Form and 300 from the Short Form; data and mapping capabilities for county, MCD, place, tract and block group. The country was not fully tracted in 1980; there is no tract or block group data available in untracted areas.
1970 CensusCD
Contains Long Form data with over 5,000 variables. It has data and mapping capabilities for counties and tracts, and data only for MCDs and places. The country was not fully tracted in 1970; there is no tract data available in untracted areas.
1960 CensusCD
Urban Long Form includes data for 22,871 tracts from the urban parts of the country. The US Census Bureau did not fully tract the US until 1990 so there is only data available for the urban areas (or what was urban in 1960). Also included in this urban file is data for 175 SMSAs (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas or cities with their surrounding suburbs). The data is also included for the 175 Central Cities without their suburbs. The data for CensusCD 1960 is the Census Tract Data, 1960: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue File.
StreetDVD 2007
This is an integrated data product that has all the layers of the 2007 TIGER/Line® Shape files. It combines geographic data with a user friendly interface for quick and easy data extractions, that can be instantaneously exported to ArcGIS and Mapinfo formats.