November 27, 2024
Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Symposium hosted at the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene annual meeting
Categories: Conferences, Gut Health and Child Survival, Research

The symposium was titled: “Preliminary results from The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella surveillance study- preparing for Shigella vaccine trials in the target population of young children living in low- and middle-income countries” and aimed to: (more…)
April 29, 2024
Gut Health team shares experience supporting research consortiums at CUGH 2024
Categories: Conferences, Gut Health and Child Survival, Research

Sonia Rao (Project Manager) and Alyson Shumays (Director of Research Operations) at CUGH 2024.
Global WACh team members, Sonia Rao and Alyson Shumays, attended the 2024 Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Conference, held from March 7-10, in Los Angeles, CA to share what they’ve learned from supporting international research consortiums under the Gut Health and Child Survival research portfolio.
This year’s theme, “Global Health Without Borders: Acting for Impact,” created an environment for scientists, students and implementers from academia, NGOs, government, and the private sector to learn, share research, collaborate, and develop partnerships to address global health challenges. Global WACh featured two poster abstracts under one of seven subthemes, “Decolonizing – Reforming Global Health Equity, Justice, Global Health Education and Research.” Click the titles below to view the posters. (more…)
Researchers share pediatric and adolescent HIV and associated neurological research at CROI 2024
Categories: Conferences, HIV, HIV and Co-Infections, Research, students

See below for a list of poster abstracts to view. (more…)
May 26, 2023
Global WACh participates in the DGH LAPIS Symposium
Categories: Conferences, Family Planning, Gut Health and Child Survival, Implementation Science, PrEP, Research

On May 19th in the Hans Rosling Center, the Learning for Action in Policy Implementation and Health Systems (LAPIS) Initiative–a resource hub aiming to foster collaboration across the Department of Global Health and support the integration of health policy or health systems objectives into research grants and training–held its first event in the Global Health Systems and Policy Implementation Symposium Series. The event included lightning talk sessions, poster abstract sessions, and opportunities for networking. Multiple centers, programs, and initiatives of the department, including Global WACh, participated in the symposium to showcase their efforts in health systems strengthening, policy implementation research, and education and training. (more…)
March 9, 2023
Researchers attend the 2023 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle
Categories: Conferences, HIV and Co-Infections, Research
This year, the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) was held in Global WACh’s hometown of Seattle, WA from February 19-22, 2023. CROI is the premier annual scientific conference for the epidemiology and biology of human retroviruses and associated diseases. For the past 30 years, CROI has been a global convening of leading scientists, clinicians, public health experts, among others, where discoveries have been presented that have helped to accelerate progress in HIV/AIDS research.
We’ve compiled a list of 12 accepted poster abstracts with contributions by Global WACh researchers and collaborators. Click on the titles to read the poster. (more…)
January 30, 2023
Implementation science researchers share their findings at Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation (D&I)
Categories: Conferences, Implementation Science, students

In December 2022, the 15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) in Washington, DC convened several members of Global WACh’s Working in Implementation Science (WISE) Working Group, which include Global Health PhD Implementation Science track students, to share scientific findings and learn from other researchers. The D&I Conference is co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AcademyHealth and helps realize the full potential of evidence to optimize health and health care by bridging the gap between research, practice, and policy. By outlining priorities in the field, the conference aims to ensure that evidence is used to inform decisions that will improve the health of individuals and communities. (more…)
January 9, 2023
Dr. Claire Gwayi-Chore presents DeWorm3 findings on optimal delivery of community-wide mass drug administration for intestinal parasitic worm infections
Categories: Conferences, Gut Health and Child Survival, Research

Dr. Claire Gwayi-Chore presents at the 2022 Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference.
The DeWorm3 Study recently published findings regarding the cost, acceptability, and optimal delivery of community-wide mass drug administration (cMDA) for or parasitic intestinal worms (soil-transmitted helminths (STH)), in Benin, India, and Malawi. As part of the efforts to disseminate these findings, Dr. Claire Gwayi-Chore, Project Lead of several neglected tropical diseases studies at Global WACh, presented at the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) Conference in San Diego, CA in September 2022. Dr. Gwayi-Chore’s presentation highlighted the objective of the DeWorm3 implementation science (IS) research, to generate evidence of sustainable and scalable deworming models for possible STH transmission interruption.
December 30, 2022
Researchers present latest scientific findings at ASTMH 2022
Categories: Conferences, Gut Health and Child Survival, Research

Global WACh researchers from left to right: Stephanie Tornberg-Belanger, Patricia Pavlinac, Marie-Claire Gwayi-Chore, Esther Choo, Shawon Riffat Ara, Adino Tsegaye, Judd Walson, Kirk Tickell, Hannah Atlas, Mame Mareme Diakhate (Credit: Stephanie Tornberg-Belanger)
Global WACh faculty, staff, and students attended the annual American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) held in Seattle, WA from October 30 to November 3, 2022. ASTMH is the premier international forum for the exchange of scientific advances in tropical medicine, hygiene, and global health.
Our researchers contributed to 11 poster abstracts and two oral presentations and facilitated a symposium featuring the latest scientific findings from their research. These findings could inform strategies to implement mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminths to combat childhood malnutrition to improve management of diarrhea among children and improve childhood survival of preventable diseases. See a roundup of the abstracts below. (more…)
December 28, 2022
COVID-19 in Pregnancy Study Team presents findings on SARS-CoV-2 antibody responses at IDWeek 2022
Categories: Conferences, COVID-19

Drs. Janet Englund (Seattle Children’s Hospital) and Sylvia LaCourse at IDWeek 2022. Credit: Sylvia LaCourse.
Dr. Sylvia LaCourse, Assistant Professor in Global Health and Medicine-Allergy & Infectious Diseases, presented on behalf of the COVID-19 in Pregnancy Study team on SARS-COV-2 antibody response in pregnant people at the Infectious Disease Society of America’s (IDSA) conference, IDWeek 2022, in Washington D.C from October 19-23, 2022. (more…)
December 23, 2022
Esther Choo presents new methods for improving food system strategies in Nepal
Categories: Conferences, Nutrition, Research

Esther at the ITHS/WE-REACH Innovation & Translational Science Expo in September 2022.
Esther Choo, a PhD Candidate in the Global Health Implementation Science Program and Global WACh Pre-doctoral Research Associate recently presented her work related to improving food system strategies in Nepal and on the Strengthening Economic Evaluation for Multisectoral Strategies in Nutrition (SEEMS-Nutrition) project at two scientific conferences. SEEMS-Nutrition seeks to measure costs and benefits of multi-sectoral nutrition interventions in multiple low-to-middle income countries. In Nepal, SEEMS-Nutrition is partnered with Helen Keller International on the Suaahara (meaning “good nutrition” in Nepali) II project to improve the nutrition of women and young children in underserved rural districts. (more…)
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