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Wood boring beetle in a maple tree

I have a wood boring beetle in a maple tree and I am wondering if there is a treatment for the tree or do I need to take the tree down?

Here is a link to University of Kentucky’s entomology department website that describes a number of different species of insect borers affecting trees and shrubs, including maples.

I also consulted Pests of Landscape Trees and Shrubs: an Integrated Pest Management Guide, second edition, which suggests that prevention is best. If you can make sure the tree is protected from damage, and prune any damaged limbs and branches (should be done when adult borers are not present, Fall through February), this should help, since the borers are attracted to stressed, damaged, or diseased trees. Do not store cut wood near the tree. Insecticide is not considered effective against borers under the bark. If the tunnels are visible and there are not too many of them, you can try using a sharp wire to probe and kill the larvae, but it may be difficult to tell how far to insert the wire.

If the infestation is not severe, you may be able to save the tree by improving its care and its growing environment.
