Jen Stearns is the owner of Urban Sprouts, a houseplant specialty nursery in Renton, WA. Her new book, “The Inspired House Plant,” aims to make your indoor space more festive by promoting a great diversity of indoor plants and teaching you to be a good plant parent. The emphasis is on foliage – so no African violets or orchids, but that doesn’t mean the selections are dull.
Successful display is critical for enjoyment and various options are considered, including bowls, terrariums, and plants in containers of water – fish are optional. Vertical and hanging plants are encouraged and one chapter is devoted to using your plants to enhance your overall interior style. Of course, there is some promotion of the author’s business, but the cultural advice is sound and this nicely designed book will encourage your creativity.
Excerpted from the Fall 2020 issue of the Arboretum Bulletin